Mailbox (Version 2.2)

Platform and Price
Free: Apple and Android

RDN Score
4 out of 5

Synopsis of the App
Mailbox is a simple email management app from Dropbox that helps you easily get control of your inbox. Mailbox let’s you clear the clutter, filing away emails until you actually need to deal with them.


  • Simple to use.
  • Defer emails for another day or time.
  • Snooze emails to automatically appear in your inbox when you’re ready to handle them (today, tomorrow, next week or select a specific date).
  • Organized by inbox, later, lists (to read, to watch or to buy), archive and trash.
  • The app learns your swipe and snooze habits to automate common actions.
  • Route or filter specific emails to a list automatically.
  • Store and sync preferences across devices with Dropbox.
  • Available in 19 different languages.
  • Passbook supported.
  • Sign in using your existing Dropbox login.


  • Limited to Gmail and iCloud accounts – additional email platforms in the works.
  • Lacks customization options such as calendar integration.

Bottom Line
With an easy and fun user interface, Mailbox can help you quickly triage email to focus on what’s important today. With this app, you can reach the elusive "inbox zero" status that we all strive to achieve – even if it’s short-lived!

Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD on InstagramMarisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD on Twitter
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD

Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is a nutrition consultant based in Atlanta and adjunct faculty at Georgia State University. Follow her at, on Twitter or Instagram.