Student Scoop

The Magic of Macadamias

February 25, 2014 Meaghan Mikulas

Macadamias, native to Australia, are characterized for their crunchy bite and buttery texture. The nut was introduced to the big island of Hawaii in the 1880s, where it soon began to be cultivated in earnest.

Student Scoop

If Sugar Addiction is Real, Now What?

November 15, 2013 Lauren Larson, MS, RDN

What do sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, galactose, lactose, maltose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses, evaporated cane juice, muscovado, sucanat, brown rice syrup, malt syrup, barley malt, agave, and maltodextrin all have

Student Scoop

In Pursuit of Apples in North Carolina

November 12, 2013 Meaghan Mikulas

Some apples look amazingly delicious — plump and juicy and perfectly unblemished. So dreamy, it looks as if it was just harvested today and you can faintly smell the crisp fall air in it. You

Student Scoop

Gluten-free Apple Crisp for the Holidays

November 7, 2013 Alexa Barbee

Gluten-free eating has become more and more popular the past few years. About 3 million people in America have celiac disease, while many more are either gluten intolerant or just prefer to avoid this ingredient.

Student Scoop

Avocado Chapatis

October 16, 2013 Padmaja Vasireddy

Avocado is known as butterfruit in India. In Hindi it's known as makhanphal. In Telugu it is called venna mudda. In Kannada, bennehannu. The avocado has many health benefits: It's rich in protein, containing 18

Student Scoop

Mobile Food Pantries in the Rural South

September 20, 2013 Alexa Barbee

There are people all around the world who go hungry every day. Even though it may not seem like it to some, there are actually many, many people here in America who cannot afford food.

Student Scoop

Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives

July 31, 2013 Alexa Barbee

Whether you are vegan, lactose intolerant, or just plain don’t like the taste, there are plenty of options to replace the old standby: cow’s milk. Those advocates of cow’s milk claim that it’s the “best”