What Is “Drunkorexia”?

Young adults, especially on college campuses, looking to avoid weight gain from alcohol while simultaneously achieving a fast buzz are adopting the unhealthy habit known as "drunkorexia."

Straddling the line between alcohol abuse and eating disorder, Tweet this this practice involves restricting food intake, bingeing and purging, and excessive exercising to "make room" for alcohol. Drunkorexia carries many potential consequences, such as increased risk of alcoholism, vitamin depletion and dehydration.

While this isn't a new trend, recent studies have found the prevalence and frequency of this practice is much higher than previously believed. In a self-report study involving 136 Australian female undergraduate students, more than 50 percent reported drunkorexia-type behaviors. Additionally, previous research suggested women were more likely to engage in these behaviors, but new findings show young men also are vulnerable.


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