Stone Soup

Two Little Cheers for Kiwi

March 12, 2013 Lauren O'Connor, MS, RD

I was having some trouble deciding what to write about, so I looked for help at home — I asked my twin four-year-old girls. When I mentioned kiwi as a possible topic, their overwhelmingly excited

Stone Soup

What Stone Soup Means to Me

December 7, 2012 Lauren O'Connor, MS, RD

Recently, I've been reading a version of Stone Soup to my 4-year-old girls. It's a story about hungry travelers who encounter a village of stingy folk. They creatively devise a plan to get the townspeople to

Stone Soup

Hollywood Harvest

November 15, 2012 Lauren O'Connor, MS, RD

"Local food" may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Los Angeles. But within this sprawled out city local food is everywhere, even in Hollywood! The Hollywood Farmer's Market,