Memorado (iOS Version 5.5)

Memorado app iconSynopsis of the App

With its “strong brain, strong life” tagline, Memorado offers brain games backed in science coupled with personalized mental workouts.

Platform and Price

Apple and Android. Free.

RDN Score

4 out of 5


  • Sleek, engaging design that feels like a modern game.
  • 25+ games and more than 450 different levels designed to challenge and train the brain.
  • Includes an interview to help customize your experience. Focus on skills like remembering new names with ease, understanding new topics faster, getting better at mental math, understanding complex issues, improving reactions on the spot or avoiding distractions.
  • Staffed with in-house neuroscientists and researchers.
  • Establishes a baseline by setting your training goals and completing the assessment test.
  • The algorithm adjusts as you progress through the different games and levels. Your personalized training schedule changes to meet your expanding goals.
  • Easily track progress and adjust as needed.
  • Includes a relaxation section to play soothing games, read useful tips and listen to relaxing stories.
  • De-stress while coloring your own personal mandala for mindfulness and balance.
  • New games are regularly added with the most recent to include a language learning game.


  • The evidence supporting “brain games” is not yet solid.
  • Takes a while to set up with all of the testing and questions.

Bottom Line

Limited evidence aside, Memorado is a fun and engaging way to keep the brain active with different games and puzzles and/or to take a time out with relaxation exercises. It may help provide a bit more enrichment than mindlessly scrolling through social media next time you find yourself in line.

Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD on InstagramMarisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD on Twitter
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD

Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is a nutrition consultant based in Atlanta and adjunct faculty at Georgia State University. Follow her at, on Twitter or Instagram.